“The Merry Makers”
50+ Ministry
A place where senior adults can socialize and grow in Christ. They enjoy monthly fellowships through dinners, special programs, and fun trips.
Bible Drill
Our children in grades 4-6 participate in scripture memorization through the Bible Drill program.
Family Life Center
The Family Life Center is a multipurpose building for larger group ministries, events, and educational activities.
Intercessory Prayer Chain
The prayer chain has people committed to pray for various prayer requests for our church family, our community, and our world. It is a tangible means of demonstrating our belief in the power of prayer and our responsibility to pray for one another.
Discovering the Joy of Missions
The missions program at Woodland Baptist Church gives opportunity for individuals to be involved in God’s plan for reaching everyone with the message of hope and love through personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Mission Friends
For children 2 to 5 years - Provides developmentally appropriate missions learning experiences to help preschoolers move from a self-centered focus to a focus on others to understand ways they can help others know about God’s love.
For girls 6 to 12 years - Help girls develop spiritually towards a missions lifestyle.
For boys 6 to 12 years - Helps boys learn a Christ-like concern for all people and learn how the message of Christ is carried around the world.
Youth on Mission
For girls and boys ages 13 to 18 years - Designed with the needs and interests of teenagers in mind. Provides an opportunity for them to grow in understanding God, themself, and others.
Women on Mission
For women 18 years and up - Meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. WOM assists the church in reaching beyond its doors to a global vision of every person having the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel message.
Brotherhood/Men’s Ministry
For men 18 years an up - Meets monthly for Men’s Prayer Breakfast. Men’s Ministry assists the church in ministering to the community through Christ-centered mission projects.
Come experience the joy of missions!